In this new series, Behind the Advice, we ask advisors about their relationship with money from a young age, lessons learned over the years, and how their experiences influence the advice they give clients today. Brenda Hiscock, certified financial planner at...
The article “Can Lyle, 48, and Tonia, 53, afford to trade their home for two condos?” was originally published on the Globe and Mail on October 20th, 2013 by Dianne Maley. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels. Before Lyle and Tonia can retire, they have to...
The article “Can Lucas and Shelby afford to give $100,000 to each of their kids for a first house?” was originally published on the Globe and Mail on March 28th 2023 by Dianne Maley. Photo by by Sewcream from Getty Images. Lucas and Shelby are both...
The article “Paul has shed despair – should he now get rid of his adviser?” was originally published on the Globe and Mail on September 25th, 2013 by Gail Johnson. There’s a big difference between depression and the blues. Paul can attest to the toll...
The article “Debt burden crimps young couple” was originally published on the Globe and Mail on June 28th 2013 by Dianne Maley. Britney and Kevin have a problem that will be familiar to many Canadians – too much debt and not enough income. They are 30 with...