Special to Financial Post | Oct 25, 2011
By Jason Heath
Investors and advisors alike are constantly striving to build the best portfolio. There are different schools of thought as to what is best. There is no shortage of books, blogs and brokers claiming to have identified the path to investing salvation, but who is right?
The Canada Pension Plan is run by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, a federal Crown corporation managing $153.2-billion. It is the eighth-largest pension plan in the world, according to a recent study by Towers Watson and Pensions & Investments. It was just ranked fifth in the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index for adequacy, sustainability and integrity. As such, maybe the CPP isn’t a bad place to start.
The current asset mix has 36.1% in public equities, 15.7% in private equities, 31.1% in fixed income, 8.2% in real estate, 6.2% in infrastructure and 2.7% in inflation-linked bonds. Private equities, real estate and infrastructure can be difficult asset classes to invest in directly for average investors, but not impossible. read full article