The article “Should You Borrow To Pay Expenses On An Investment Property?” was originally published on MoneySense on November 15, 2019. Garry, who’s retired, needs additional cash to cover the cost of maintaining a property he rents out. Should he...
The article “Understanding Your Company Pension Plan” was originally published on MoneySense on November 6, 2019. While the specifics can vary quite widely from plan to plan, a good place to start is with the basic differences between “defined benefit” and...
The article “Should I Sell Off Some Investments To Avoid OAS Clawbacks?” was originally published on MoneySense on October 29, 2019. Q. I’m due to receive Old Age Security (OAS) benefits next year. I’m concerned because the dividends I receive from my...
The article “Who’ll Pay For The Cottage If I Die?” was originally published on MoneySense on October 16, 2019. Having a mortgage doesn’t necessarily mean you need life insurance coverage equal to the amount you owe on it. Q. We are...
The article “These Are The Election Promises That Could Affect Your Personal Finances” was originally published on Financial Post on October 15, 2019. There’s merit in proposals presented by each of the parties, even if some are controversial As a...
The article “What Is A Pension Bridge Benefit And How Does It Work?” was originally published on MoneySense on October 9, 2019. With retirement a couple years away, Kevin is considering his options. Forgoing the bridge benefit may help him enjoy his...
The article “What The Federal Parties’ 2019 Campaign Platforms Mean For Your Money” was originally published on MoneySense on October 2, 2019. With the election approaching, we asked a financial planner to break down the issues that will hit your...
The article “What Investors Need To Know About Changes To TD e-Series Funds” was originally published on MoneySense on September 24, 2019. TD e-Series Funds have been staples for passive index-fund investors and Canadian Couch Potato enthusiasts for two...
The article “The Real ‘Advice Gap’ When It Comes To Financial Planning Has Nothing To Do With Investment Products” was originally published on Financial Post on September 18, 2019. Investors are suffering from a lack of access to comprehensive...
The article “Will Selling My House Help Me Retire Sooner – And More Securely?” was originally published on MoneySense on September 18, 2019. Karen divorced at 55 and worries about carrying mortgage debt when she retires. At the same time, she thinks...
The article “Should You Take Out A Loan To Pay For Your Wedding?” was originally published on MoneySense on September 4, 2019. Saving up for the big day could be easier than you think. Q. My girlfriend and I have been living together in an apartment in...
The article “How To Save For Retirement At A Time When Most Aren’t Saving Much At All” was originally posted on Financial Post on August 29, 2019. Of course, regular saving is a good way to plan for retirement, but how much to set aside and how to...