The article “Will My Hard-Working Teen Have To Pay Tax On Withdrawals From Our Family RESP?” was originally published on MoneySense on June 5, 2019. Scott is wondering how to split Registered Education Savings Plan funds between his children to minimize the tax...
The article “What To Do With A Monetary Advance On Your Inheritance” was originally published on MoneySense on May 28, 2019. Maureen’s husband wants to put a $200,000 gift from her parents toward their mortgage, but she isn’t convinced. Q. My...
The article “Why Saving Too Much For Retirement Is Just As Risky As Saving Too Little” was originally published on Financial Post on May 22, 2019. Only 20 per cent of 65-year old Canadians will live for 30 years — and that means their money will far...
The article “Can Canadian Seniors Collect Government Benefits While Still Working?” was originally published on MoneySense on May 21, 2019. Rose is transitioning to semi-retirement at 65, and wonders about the tax and clawback implications of receiving CPP...
The article “Advice On Making Your First Home More Affordable” was originally published on MoneySense on May 14, 2019. Irene and her partner want to buy a house with savings, some help from her dad and a mortgage from an alternative lender. What are the...
The article “Avoiding Future Interest Is One Way To Look At Your Return On Investment” was originally posted on MoneySense on May 7, 2019. Should Vince cash out his medical pension to pay down his mortgage, or keep it as an indexed $400 per month for life?...
The article “Tax Implications Of Making Transfers Between Registered Accounts” was originally published on MoneySense on April 30, 2019. Suzanne transferred money from her LIRA to a LIF and her RRSP. Now she worries she’ll be taxed twice. Q. I had a...
The article “How To Handle Death Inside A Joint Investment Account” was originally published on MoneySense on April 23, 2019. After Vee’s father passed away, her advisor made some transactions that she’s now questioning. Q. My father had two...
The article “For Common-Law Couples, Estate Planning Is Full Of Pitfalls. Here’s How To Avoid Some Of Them” was originally published on Financial Post on April 16, 2019. Couples who are common-law can have a unique set of financial planning...
The article “How To Calculate Capital Gains And Losses On Rental Property” was originally published on MoneySense on April 16, 2019. Chris’s rental property used to be his principal residence. After enduring some bad tenants, he’s looking to...
The article “An Easy Guide To Income Splitting For Seniors” was originally published on MoneySense on April 10, 2019. Cindy and her husband are looking for strategies to help them save on taxes in retirement. Q. My husband and I are both retired. He still...
The article “The Ins And Outs Of Tax And Estate Planning For A RRIF” was originally published on MoneySense on April 3, 2019. 81-year old Lydia wants to minimize tax and maximize the estate value of her RRIF on death. Q: I’m 81, single, female, with...