The article “Can I Have A Multi-Generational RESP?” was originally published on MoneySense on March 26, 2019. If money is left over in your child’s RESP you can in theory use it for your future grandkid’s education, with some big caveats Q: I...
The article “Meet The Budget’s New RRSP Strategy That Every Retiree Should Know About” was originally published in Financial Post on March 22, 2019. Called an ALDA, it and other annuities act as an insurance policy outliving your money As life...
The article “How To Avoid A Pension Clawback From A One-Time Event” was originally published on March 19, 2019. Mike wants to know what can be done to avoid a reduction in government pension income due to a one-time event. Q: Are you aware of the “one-time...
The article “The Best Way To Transfer Investments To Your Spouse” was originally published on MoneySense on March 12, 2019. Dean has investments that he wants to transfer to his spouse. There are tax implications depending upon how the transfer occurs...
The article “After Inheriting A RRIF Account, How To Know What You Owe The Taxman” was originally published on MoneySense on March 5, 2019. Randy’s wife is the beneficiary of her late mother’s RRIF, and she wants to avoid penalties and interest...
The article “Should Retirees Pay Off Their Mortgages With Investments?” was originally published on MoneySense on February 25, 2019. Liz has just retired and wonders if she should use her investments to pay off her mortgage, despite her advisor’s...
The article “How Does A LIRA Work After A Pension Transfer?” was originally published on MoneySense on February 20, 2019. Ted is confused about his investment options after leaving a DC pension, and whether his pension money would be better off in a...
The article “What To Do When Banks Give Questionable Financial Advice To Seniors” was originally published on MoneySense on February 12, 2019. Mel can’t get a straight answer from his bank about his investment fees and is looking for some input on...
The article “What It Takes To Retire At 45” was originally publishes on MoneySense on February 6, 2019. Konstantino is 27 and hopes to retire by 45. He wants to know how that impacts his RRSP versus TFSA savings strategy. Q: I’m 27 years old with a...
The article “How Early RRSP Withdrawals Can Help Some Retirees Come Out Ahead” was originally published on Financial Post on January 29, 2019. Who knew? Too much tax deferral and saving too long can be bad things. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are...
The article “How To Calculate Capital Gains Tax For An Employee Share Purchase Plan” was originally published on MoneySense on January 29, 2019. Kelly is confused about how to calculate the capital gains tax on her company savings plan shares. Q: I have a...
The article “How Early RRSP Withdrawals Can Help Some Retirees Come Out Ahead” was originally published on Financial Post on January 29, 2019. Who knew? Too much tax deferral and saving too long can be bad things. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are...