The article “Do You Really Need An RRSP To Retire?” was originally published on MoneySense on September 5, 2018. Riza is worried about retiring without an RRSP. But do you even need one? Q: What will happen if I retire and I don’t have an RRSP? —Riza...
The article “Is It Okay To Retire With Debt?” was originally published on MoneySense on August 28, 2018. Steve has debt but also has a generous DB pension. Should he retire? Q: I am eligible for retirement at age 57, as I have 30 years of service. I am now...
The article “Relying On Proprietary Products Not Necessarily A Bad Thing For Advisors” was originally published on Financial Post on August 27, 2018. Jason Heath: If an advisor uses proprietary products they know well already, they can allocate more...
The article “‘I’ve Been Named An Executor. Where On Earth Do I Start?!'” was originally published on MoneySense on August 21, 2018. Executor duties can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Here’s advice. Q: We just placed my 99-year old...
The article “Three Behavioural Barriers To Solid Retirement Planning, And How You Can Overcome Them” was originally published on Financial Post on August 20, 2018. Jason Heath: Retirement planning can be daunting, but with a little nudge in the right...
The article “Are RRSP Contributions Worth It At Age 70?” was originally published on MoneySense on August 14, 2018. Q: We are a retired couple getting very close to converting RSPs to a RIF (my husband has one more year). We have a substantial capital gain...
The article “Investments To Use For A Down Payment On A House” was originally published on MoneySense on August 8, 2018. RRSP or TFSA? Likely, it’ll be both Q: My son has money in an RRSP (mutual fund) and TFSA (cash sitting in account) and he buys a...
The article “Simplify Your Investments To Save On Estate Tax” was originally published on MoneySense on August 1, 2018. William wants to plan his estate so that it is as seamless as possible for his children when he passes away Q: I am a 72-year old...
The article “Can You Receive CPP Benefits From Two Partners?” was originally published in MoneySense on July 24, 2018. Twice the split CPP? It’s possible, to an extent. Q: Can I get CPP from a common law partner if he dies, even though I receive CPP...
The article “Do Canadian Expats Have To Pay Income Tax?” was originally published on MoneySense on July 17, 2018. Taxation is based on residency, but expats coming back should watch out Q: I am Canadian citizen living in Pakistan since 2002. I have no home...
The article “The Right Way To Unwind Your Locked-In Retirement Account” was originally published on MoneySense on July 10, 2018. OM is trying to formulate a plan for a locked-in retirement account. What are some LIRA best practices to consider? Q: I am at...
The article “How To Earn A Risk-Free 4% Annual Return” was originally published on MoneySense on July 3, 2018. This reader doesn’t want to put her capital at risk. But there may be a few things she hasn’t considered. Q: I am a widow with...