The article “Banks’ Dirty Little Secret: You Can Hold Your Mortgage In Your RRSP — But Is It Worth The Trouble?” was originally published on Financial Post on February 27, 2017. There are a lot of reasons why holding your mortgage in your RRSP is...
The article “What To Do With Unused RESP Money” was originally published on February 21, 2017 on MoneySense. Kevin has $54,000 in an RESP but his children have completed their educations. Now what? Q: My wife and I have a son aged 25 years old and a...
The article “There’s More To The RRSP Than Mutual Funds and ETFs, But You Have To Tread Cautiously” was originally published on Financial Post on February 17, 2017. At this time of year, we are bombarded by marketing to buy the same RRSP investments...
The article “How Much Should You Pay in Investment Fees?” was originally published on MoneySense on February 14, 2017. Fee info is hard to find online. Here’s advice Q: What do you think the fees for investment management at, let’s say, RBC,...
The article “Yield Matters So Here’s A Primer On High-Dividend-Paying Stock, Bond and ETF Options to Fund Your RRSP” was originally published on Financial Post on February 7, 2017. Interest rates have stayed lower so much longer than most would have...
The article “Filing Taxes While Holding U.S. Investments in Canada” was originally published on MoneySense on January 7, 2017. Does moving U.S. dollar investments from the U.S. to Canada make a difference? Q: I have investment money that originated with a...
The article “How To Earn Tax-Efficient Dividend Income” was originally published on MoneySense on January 31, 2017. Just know that your dividends will turn up on your tax return whether you like it or not. Q: If I am holding stocks that pay a...
The article “The RRSP Is Turning 60 This Year, But It Isn’t Planning A Retirement Of Its Own Any Time Soon” was originally published on Financial Post on January 31, 2017. The Registered Retirement Savings Plan is turning 60 this year. As the RRSP...
The article “Investing In Canada As A U.S. Resident” was originally published on MoneySense on January 24, 2017. Margaret has received an inheritance in Canada, but lives in the U.S. What should be her next steps? Q: I am a Canadian citizen. I live in the...
The article “When Not To Apply For OAS” was original published on MoneySense on January 17, 2017. Depending on your income, an OAS application could be a huge mistake. Q: I retired early at 60 and I am now 65. I opted to collect my CPP at 60. Now at 65, I...
The article “A Quick and Easy Primer On Capital Gains Tax” was originally published on MoneySense on January 10, 2017. How capital gains tax works with a TFSA, plus other need-to-know info. Q: Can I save capital gains tax by putting money into a...
The article “Why You Should Think ‘Smile’ When Planning Your Retirement Spending Path” was originally published on Financial Post on January 4, 2017. Rudimentary retirement rules of thumb are prevalent in a financial industry that prefers to spend...