A high-interest savings account is great, but if you’re willing to stray from the safety net, there are potentially more lucrative options The article “What To Do With Your Extra Cash” was originally published on MoneySense on May 24, 2016. Q: I am...
After the death of her spouse and having left her job due to her health, Georgia is left wondering—what’s next? The article “Finding Your Financial Footing” was originally published on MoneySense on May 17, 016. Q: A little over 3 years ago, I became...
The article “Leaving An inheritance? Here Are The Most Rewarding Options For Spreading The Wealth” was originally published on The Financial Post on May 13, 2016. Most Canadians are worried about ensuring that their savings will last as long as they do —...
The article “Who Should Bother with an RRSP? Part 2” was originally published on Financial Pipeline by Malcolm Morrison. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are the best tax break available for the average Canadian for one simple reason – they give the...
You can jointly own assets in two ways. Remember, each has different estate planning and tax implications The article “Joint Tenancy vs. Tenants In Common” was originally published on MoneySense on May 10 2016. Q: What is the difference between “joint...
The article “Who Should Bother With An RRSP?” was originally published on Financial Pipeline by Malcolm Morrison. Registered Retirement Savings Plans are the best tax break available for the average Canadian for one simple reason – they give the saver the...
Patricia is trying to figure out how best to maximize her retirement income with the least amount of tax payable The article “How To Boost Your Retirement Income” was originally published on MoneySense on May 3rd, 2016. Q: My husband and I are retired and...
The article “Move Over RRSP, TFSA: Here Are 7 Strategies For Maximizing Investment Returns You Might Not Know About” was originally published on The Financial Post on April 29, 2016. Investors tend to focus first and foremost on gross returns. Since an...
The article “Recovering From Bad Home Buyers’ Plan Advice” was originally published on MoneySense on April 28, 2016. Scott got incorrect tax advice and now he’s trying to figure out the best way to fix things on his tax return Q: I am totally...
The article “Capital Gains When Selling Property To Family” was originally published on MoneySense on April 19, 2016. Johanna sold a property to her sister for a bargain price. Does that mean she pays less tax? Q: Do I have to pay income tax if I inherited...
The article “Should I Have Life Insurance In Retirement?” was originally published on MoneySense on April 12, 016. George isn’t sure if his $100 monthly insurance premiums are better off in a savings account Q: I am 59 and mostly retired. My wife and...
The article “How To Pay Less Tax On Your RRSP Withdrawals” was originally published on MoneySense on April 5, 2016. Shaune is looking for tax-efficient ways to draw down on his and his wife’s RRSPs in retirement. What should he do? Q: My wife has two...