The article “How To Drain A RRIF” was originally published on MoneySense on May 5, 2015. Q: If one does not care to leave any RRIF capital for their heirs, one could spend and enjoy the RRIF returns and some capital every year until the capital is almost...
The article “How to Build a Simple Do-It-Yourself Investment Portfolio” was originally published on The Financial Post on May 4, 2015. More and more investors are managing their own investments or considering doing so. A J.D. Power survey found an increase...
The article “Scared to Spend Your Retirement Savings?” was originally published on MoneySense on April 28, 2015. David is sitting pretty going into retirement but he’s reluctant to draw on his savings at all Q: I’m 56, have no debt, make about...
The article “Joint Tenancy: How it Affects Capital Gains and Probate Fees” was originally published on MoneySense on April 21, 2015. Kim did some estate planning with her mother to avoid capital gains tax and probate fees. But it only half-worked. Q: I...
The article “Financial Planner Without a Plan” was originally published on MoneySense on April 14, 2015. Despite having worked with several bank reps, George still doesn’t have a plan and it’s costing him dearly Q: I am a consultant and I am 62...
The article “When should savings take priority over debt?” was originally published on on August 11th 2015, by Josephine Lim Often, if you have a large amount of high-interest debt, it should take a higher priority over building savings....
The article “You Spring-Clean Your House – Why Not Your Finances? Here’s How to Buff Up Your Budget” was originally published on The Financial Post on April 10, 2015. Here’s How to Buff Up Your Budget Many Canadians engage in regular...
The article “How to Maximize Government Pensions” was originally published on MoneySense on April 7, 2015. The timing of when to begin CPP can be more art than science Q: I am 65 in November and have applied for my CPP. I am considering applying for OAS,...
The article “When Your Adviser Stops Caring” was originally published on MoneySense on March 31, 2015. John had his adviser’s attention at first. Now it’s started to wane. What should he do now that he seems to have lost his adviser’s...
The article “Pension Withdrawals: Lump-Sum vs. Deferred Payment” was originally published on MoneySense on March 24, 2015. Bill is trying to make a choice between taking a lump-sum commuted value from his defined benefit pension or simply taking a monthly...
The article “Now and Then: Do Canadian Homes Really Cost That Much More Than 30 Years Ago?” was originally published on The Financial Post on March 24, 2015. It’s hard to scan a Canadian newspaper these days without coming across an article about the...
The article “How to Get Money Out of Locked-In Retirement Accounts” was originally published on MoneySense on March 17, 2015. Pete has a LIRA and wants to understand the rules on making withdrawals Q: I have a LIRA and have been told that each province has...