The article “Should you transfer your DC pension plan to a discount brokerage?” was originally published in MoneySense on May 8, 2023. Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels. Can you transfer funds out of your registered pension plan (RPP) and invest them...
The article “FP Answers: What should an investor do if they own a lot of shares in one company?” was originally published in Financial Post on May 05, 2023 • Last updated Oct 05, 2023. By Julie Cazzin with Andrew Dobson. Photo by by Marcus Millo from...
The article “FP Answers: What should I do if I’ve missed three years of repayments to my RRSP Home Buyers’ Plan?” was originally published in Financial Post on Published Jan 27, 2023 • Last updated May 03, 2023, by Julie Cazzin and Brenda Hiscock....
The article “Market-linked GICs: The pros and cons for investors” was originally published in MoneySense on May 1, 2023. Photo by Andrés Góngora from Pexels. These GICs track the markets, offering low risk and some upside potential to investors. Here’s how...
The article “Are mutual fund fees tax deductible?” was originally published in MoneySense on April 24, 2023. Photo by by Artur from Getty Images. Don’t go claiming a deduction for mutual fund fees on your tax return. Why? Because they’ve already been...
The article “Can you save tax by moving into your rental property?” was originally published in MoneySense on April 18, 2023. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels. Moving into a co-owned property has capital gains tax implications, but there are other...
The article “What is considered day trading in a TFSA” was originally published in MoneySense on April 17, 2023. Photo by AlphaTradeZone from Pexels. The recent Ahamed v. The King decision by the Tax Court of Canada highlights risks for investors who trade...
The article “Selling stocks at a loss in a TFSA: What it means for your contribution room” was originally published in MoneySense on April 10, 2023. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels. Before holding speculative stocks in a TFSA, consider what reporting...
The article “Ottawa is offering a 25-year, high-interest GIC: It’s called the Canada Pension Plan” was originally published in Financial Post on April 7, 2023. Photo by by Andrii Dodonov from Getty Images. Decision on when to apply for CPP becomes...
The article “What are the pros and cons when borrowing money to invest?” was originally published in Financial Post on April 6, 2023. Photo by khunkorn from khunkorn. You need a high risk tolerance, low investment fees and a long time horizon to make it...
The article “Canada’s Budget 2023: What it means for you and your family” was originally published in MoneySense on March 31, 2023. Photo by Nabil Saleh from Unsplash. The federal government’s 2023 budget proposes a national dental care plan, a grocery...
The article “Can Lucas and Shelby afford to give $100,000 to each of their kids for a first house?” was originally published on the Globe and Mail on March 28th 2023 by Dianne Maley. Photo by by Sewcream from Getty Images. Lucas and Shelby are both...